
Vine weevils are probably one of the most infuriating and insidious garden pests, this natural pest control  can transform a vine weevil problem!

Vine weevils are probably one of the most infuriating and insidious garden pests, this natural pest control  can transform a vine weevil problem!
Contains 50 million naturally occurring beneficial nematodes and must be refrigerated, and used by expiry date printed on the pack.
Apply to moist soil/compost in containers outside between March and November when the larvae are present and the soil temperatures are above 5C (41 F) in the daytime.

Treats up to 100m2  (125 sq.yds)

**NB Vine weevils breed throughout the year in warmer places eg conservatories and greenhouses so, as long as the temperature is above 5C,  apply this product as soon as you discover the grubs!**