Stunning when clad with runner beans, sweet peas or clematis!
Versatile and elegant, these black powder-coated steel Garden Maypoles look amazing!Width at base 1m x Height 1.9m
This Haxnicks Garden Maypole plant support will add beauty and drama to your garden.
Versatile and elegant, these black powder-coated steel Garden Maypoles look amazing!Width at base 1m x Height 1.9m
This stuff is brilliant! Great for training, tying in and supporting fruit canes, delicate flower stems, tomatoes and peppers, climbers, roses and a whole host of unexpected garden uses!
I use these to great effect with oriental various crops, especially at the back end of the season and into winter as they keep off numerous pests.
One of my personal favourite solutions to cabbage white butterflies and their caterpillars! Also great for protecting against other pests, and weather.