EasyFleece Green Fern Plant Jackets SMALL x4


GreenFern EasyFleece jackets with drawstring. Small : 4 per pack

Green Fern Easy Fleece Jackets are quick and easy to use and give your plants instant protection from frost and cold winds. Simply pop the jacket over the plant and secure with the integral drawstring around the base of the stem (or the pot). Easy to install, remove and re-install as necessary – forget pegs and string, use the drawstring!

Made from high-grade 35gsm polypropylene fleece, they let through light and moisture maintaining healthy growing conditions, and the leafy pattern makes them unobtrusive in the garden.

This pack contains  Small jackets(4 jackets per pack), medium (3 pack) and large (2 pack).

In very cold conditions, double up and use 2 jackets over your  plants.

These are : Small size – Width 60cm x Height 80cm .

Also available in :Medium size – Width 80cm x Height 1m (3 per pack).

Large size – Width 120cm x Height 180cm (2 per pack).